Friday, November 18, 2011


Having transgender and intersex included in the LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and ally) community is a positive. Most trans people spend some amount of time in their life finding their gender identity and end up in the LGB community, because they identify as one of the letters at some point. The LGBTQIA community is a great way to create a collective identity, to eliminate the isolation, alienation and inequality trans people and others in the LGBQIA community feel.
One problem I see is a constant intersection of gender and sexual orientation. To be fair there is an intersection of gender and sexual orientation but there never seems to a separation anymore and society (US society that is) is left in mass confusion.  Just because a woman has mannerisms or dresses in masculine clothing does not mean she is a lesbian. Same this same concept applies to feminine men. Gender expression, how someone expresses their gender through mannerisms, clothing, hair, and overall appearance does not dictate their sexual orientation. Stereotypes are perpetuated this way. When someone identifies as transgender that does not explain their sexual orientation, a trans person may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual or any other identity. Society has some progress to make when it comes to understanding gender and getting out of the mind set that there is only two genders and what it means to identify with those genders.

There are cultures that have no difficulty integrating people who change gender roles, these cultures often holding them with high regard, such as the traditional role for 'two-spirit' people found among certain native American tribes. Two spirit people mixed gender roles by wearing and performing the work associated by both men and women. Two spirit people are said to have bodies that simultaneously host a feminine spirit and a masculine spirit, this was considered a gift. The two spirit people were held with high regard because they had been touched by the spirits more so than others and were often shermans, respected artisans and healers.
 Society could learn a little something from the native American’s about embracing our different and unique identities. Education about the spectrum of gender and sexuality would create a whole new way of thinking. If everyone in the LGBTQIA community could be open and accepted about their identity, if everyone could be open about their identities think about all the issues we could eliminate creating a better society for all of us.  

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